Whooo 🎊🎊💃💃💃✨✨✨ SALON CAN RE-OPEN FROM 12TH APRIL (if rates stay low). Sending my love to everyone who has supported us in this pandemic 🙏🙏💖💖💪💪 WE'VE GOT THIS 💪💪💖💖🙏🙏 Please bare with me whilst we sort out our online booking system.You're welcome to message me if you're overdue an appointment. And / Or would like to be put into my waiting list.
With Love Jody

Brilliant news! Great to hear... xx
It's great news you are able to re-open again soon. Last time I had my eyebrow boost we went into the first lockdown last year! It's been a long slog but we're hopefully getting there. Can't wait to get my yearly eyebrow boost booked in. I will make an appointment once you've got your appointment book re-arranged. Look forward to seeing you 🥰❤ xx
Great news. Looking forward to seeing you. XxAndrea