Our beautiful tranquil salon and therapists cannot wait to see you again.....
The beauty industry was allowed back to work on Monday 13th July 2020, with restrictions meaning NO FACE treatments.
Unfortunately this means we are still not allowed to perform 90% of our treatments....
But that's not stopped us getting ready for when we can see all you lovely clients again.
Once the doors re-open we know it's going to be a little manic and busy getting you all re-booked back in. Please bare with us, you will be contacted asap to book your appointments.
As you know Jody wears PPE (personal protective equipment) for her permanent makeup treatments, and teaches infection control. So the salon itself will not look much different and all our risk assessments and PPE and clinical waste etc is already in place.
Moving forward our therapists will be wearing extra PPE for all treatments.
Our Salon Covid-19 Policy
This policy has been drawn up in response to the current pandemic, using current guidelines and legislation available. All of these additional procedures have been implemented to ensure the highest standard of health and safety for our clients, and ourselves. We will continue to take advice from the industry bodies and government regarding all safe practices.
Our priority is to keep our clients and staff safe, as far as possible, during their working day and your visit to us. As we get ready to open there have been some important changes that have been implemented. It is important to note that no environment is completely risk free and as a business we will do our utmost to keep everyone as safe as possible. However, it must be stated NO place you visit is 100% risk free and you are choosing to visit our salon at your own risk.
Track and Trace will be in place if we are notified of an outbreak. We do not need to take extra details as our online booking system will be able to inform us who has visited the salon within the last 2 weeks for example.
Your data will not be passed on to anyone other than the NHS track and trace.
Couple of things can we ask of you:
Prior to your appointment you will be pre-screened to confirm you are fit and healthy to attend your appointment. This must be completed in order to proceed with your treatment.
Please do not attend your appointment if you suspect you've been in contact with another person whom has Covid-19. Follow the latest government guidelines on self-isolation.
Bring minimal bags/coats. You will be required to keep them with you at all times or on your designated chair.
Please wear a face covering into the salon until you are asked to remove it (if needed).
Please enter the salon slowly and take your time. There is a hand sanitising station for you to sanitise your hands straight away.
Then we will ask you to wash your hands and take you to your treatment room.
How are we keeping you safe:
There will be a few tweaks to the salon to ensure your extra safety.
Therapists will be regularly washing and sanitising their hands as per they always have.
We will be limiting movement around the salon and will be wiping (cleaning and disinfecting) door handles, reception area, pens, PDQ machine and chairs after each client has visited the salon, (basically anything you've touched).
Your actual treatment area will be cleaned and disinfected as per we have always done.
If having treatments requiring towels, they will be bagged up and washed at 60' as per we have always done. We will also be using ethically sustainable disposable products wear possible.
Extra time has been given to each appointment to allow for the extra government cleaning (and Jody's OCD extra cleaning, oh yes she's had fun with all the disinfectants she's been buying...she's a little obsessed with it all).
Extra PPE will be worn above and beyond the guidelines (personal protective equipment).
Extra hand sanitising stations have been placed around the salon.
We will ensure adequate ventilation throughout the day in the salon.
Clients treatment times have been staggered to minimise any crossovers.
Track and Trace will be implemented immediately if any client or member of staff suspects they are unwell and have symptoms.
We may look strange but we're still smiling.....
We will now be greeting you wearing a face mask and keeping a little distance from you before and after your treatments as per government guidelines. This may feel a little strange as our salon is renowned for its VIP experience and ultimate TLC.
As many of you know we have even won awards for our excellent customer service, so we will be doing our utmost to provide some little special touches here and there to keep things as normal, relaxing and luxurious as possible.
We are so so so so excited to see you all again soon xx
With Love
Jody & Team